Dr. Alsabti: Great and faithful efforts carried out by the Kingdom to serve pilgrims
13 August 2019

The Governor of the National Cybersecurity Authority (NCA), His Excellency Dr. Khaled Bin Abdullah Alsabti, has expressed his congratulations to King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and his Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (May ALLAH protect them) on the success of the Hajj (Pilgrimage) season for this year 1440. Dr. Alsabti pointed that the continuous success the Kingdom is achieving in organizing, managing the Hajj season paying attention to all details is a clear proof of the respect and care our leaderships and citizens have for this great responsibility, which ALLAH has blessed this great country with; making it the destination for Muslims. Serving ALLAH’s guests is both an obligation and an honor as King Salman described it, and for this reason, the kingdom did not hesitate in anyway in insuring the comfort of ALLAH’s guests and their safety, as well as making their Hajj as smooth as possible, for this year and all years.
Dr. Alsabti has also added that working as one team in providing services to pilgrims, and showing cooperation and unity from all participating departments and entities, has proved to be effective in facilitating the Hajj season and providing a safe and peaceful atmosphere. Dr. Alsabti pointed out to the great effort made by all participating entities including the National Cybersecurity Authority that provided support to all other entities which includes running a cyber operation room and conducting a tabletop exercise to leverage the cyber readiness of all entities during the Hajj season and their coordination.
Dr. Alsabti has expressed his prayers for our country’s continuous safety, stability, and prosperity under the wise leadership of King Salman and his Crown Prince, as well as the safe return of all pilgrims to their countries.